The Box Hill North Super Kings Cricket Club has adopted and endorsed Cricket Victoria's policy around Child Safeguarding, Reporting and Complaints, and Member Protections which can be found at https://www.cricketvictoria.com.au/child-safe-member-protection.
Victorian cricket policies:
2024 Member Protection Policy
2024 Complaints and Resolution Policy
Commitment Statement
Looking after our Kid's Code of Behaviour; and
Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People.​
The policy is designed to apply across Australian Cricket, from Cricket Victoria to local associations and clubs. In doing so, it creates a framework for ensuring that Children and Young People who play cricket are safe and assists us in delivering a child-safe sport and complying with State and Territory laws, with the support of Cricket Australia and the State and Territory Associations.
Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People is supported by Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Australian Cricket Personnel and Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs.​

Our Commitment
As part of our commitment to Children and Young People, Australian Cricket and the Box Hill North Super Kings Cricket Club seek to:
a) provide a safe and supportive environment for Children and Young People;
b) ensure that the experiences of Children and Young People are free from any form of Child Abuse, Bullying, Harassment or other inappropriate conduct such as Grooming;
c) empower Children and Young People to act and respond to behaviour that is not acceptable or inappropriate;
d) publicise and make available the Codes of Behaviour that underpin our sport;
e) make information available on who Children and Young People can approach if they feel unsafe or they become aware of or are concerned about any form of Child Abuse, Bullying, Harassment or other inappropriate conduct such as Grooming;
f) establish a reporting framework that allows Children and Young People and others to report any incident affecting the safety and wellbeing of Children and Young People; and
g) provide support services to any Child or Young Person and their families who might be affected by any form of Child Abuse, Bullying, Harassment or other inappropriate conduct such as Grooming whilst participating in our sport.